Year: 2022

Embedding our learning

By Krista Tuala Tupou

There are lots of different types of digital learning objects we embed into our blogs on a daily basis.

My favorite thing to share on my blog is writing docs

The easiest learning to share is my writing in Google Docs, simply just Copy and Paste it from the Google Doc onto your blog. However, don’t forget to use CTRL + SHIFT + V so that it gets rid of the formatting. You can always change the formatting on your blog.

Take a look at the other ways below

Embedding learning into our Blogs


Integrity is being honest and having a strong sence of what is right and wrong

My school value superhero is … My bestfriend. Her superpower is integrity. Integrity is important because people need to know you can be trusted if they do, They will support when my hero,Renei, was playing soccer.she knew to pass the ball to other player to score a point for our team

School value Superhero: Resilience

My school value superhero is my aunty. Her superpower is showing resilience. I remember when you went to the mental hospital and found it hard to look after your newborn baby son. I remember you were really sad you couldn’t hold your son. I remember you got out you moved again with your parents and you son to a new house but you didn’t care. I remember you got excited when Benny said his first word and took his first steps. I remember how pretty and proud of Benny on his first birthday

Resilience is the ability to remain calm and push through challenges

PE Flag Football

What did we do well in today’s PE session?

In today’s lesson with Lucas we played a longer game of flag football. We were split into 2 teams Yellow Tigers and Red dragons. I was in the Red Dragons going against the yellow tigers trying to score a touchdown. We did well at down,set,hut and passing it under our legs for the person to catch it. We got better at running straight forward to score a touchdown.

What can we do better?

We could get better at passing the ball to others such as the girls. The girls could run up and down and call the throwers name to throw the ball to them. We could get better at not defending our tags and not push others hand away. Lastly, we could get better at running forward towards the goal but run backwards to get a better view of the layout so you could pass to your team.